basic skincare routine for oily skin

Basic Skincare Routine for Oily Skin: Step-by-Step Guide

Have you identified that you have oily skin? That's a good start, but it's not enough. You need to master a basic skincare routine for oily skin. Why? Because only then can you avoid issues like excessive shine, blackheads, and acne. So, what's the best way to care for oily facial skin? Let’s discuss!

Signs of Oily and Problematic Skin

AM and PM Skincare Routine for Oily Skin

Rules for Seasonal Care for Oily Facial Skin

5 Tips from Scentual Aroma for Those with Problematic Skin

Myths About Oily Skin

Signs of Oily and Problematic Skin

Inside the sebaceous gland, more sebum and cells lining its inner surface and ducts are produced than normal. Because of this, the pores become clogged, leading to pimples and comedones.

There are many signs by which you can identify oily skin, making it hard to confuse with any other type. Besides the aforementioned pimples and comedones, oily skin is characterized by:

  • Oily shine
  • Enlarged pores
  • Oily scales (seborrhea)
  • Dull complexion with a grayish tint

These changes often occur due to hormonal imbalances. Quite often, issues with the sebaceous glands are related to problems within the body.

AM and PM Skincare Routine for Oily Skin

The morning and evening skincare routines for oily skin differ because the daytime routine focuses on protection and oil control, while the nighttime routine emphasizes deep cleansing and skin repair.

Daytime Routine

  1. Cleanse: Start your morning by washing your face with a gentle cleanser such as our Charcoal Detox Face Cleanser to remove excess oil and any impurities accumulated overnight. 
  2. Tone: Use a toner such as our Willowbark Toning Elixir to help balance your skin's pH levels and remove any remaining traces of dirt or oil. Opt for an all-natural alcohol-free toner to avoid drying out your skin.
  3. Serum: Apply a lightweight serum that targets specific concerns like acne or large pores. You can benefit from our Intensive Youth Concentrate which is formulated with unrefined light botanical seed oils rich in anti-inflammatory and balancing properties. Always apply on damp skin right after the toner! Never on dry.
  4. Moisturize: Even oily skin needs moisture. Use an all-natural lightweight moisturizer that is free from any synthetic chemicals including mineral oil or any of its derivatives to keep your skin hydrated without clogging your pores.
  5. SPF: Finish your morning routine with a broad-spectrum mineral-based SPF 30. Sunscreen is crucial for protecting your skin from UV damage and preventing further oil production.

Nighttime Routine

  1. Cleanse: Remove the day's dirt, oil, and makeup with a gentle cleanser. Double cleansing can be beneficial for oily skin, starting with an oil-based cleanser such as our Replenish Gentle Cleansing Balm followed by a water-based one as our Charcoal Detox Face Cleanser.
  2. Exfoliate: Exfoliate your skin 2-3 times a week to remove dead skin cells and prevent clogged pores. Use a chemical exfoliant with ingredients like fruit enzymes such as our Rose Petal Rejuvenating Face Scrub.
  3. Retinol: Apply plant-based gentle retinol serum to help with cell turnover and prevent breakouts. Start with three nights per week and gradually increase as your skin builds tolerance to every night.
  4. Moisturize: Use a lightweight moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated throughout the night. Look for products with soothing ingredients like calendula or chamomile. Our Beauty Balm is infused with calming herbs to soothe sensitivity and repair skin barrier. Always hydrate with the toning elixir or dampen your skin and apply. Never on dry!
  5. Eye Care: Apply an eye serum to the delicate skin around your eyes to keep it hydrated and reduce the appearance of fine lines and dark circles.

Rules for Seasonal Care for Oily Facial Skin

Caring for oily skin depends on the season, as the temperature and weather conditions significantly change its state.


The higher the temperature outside or indoors, the more actively the skin produces sebum. It’s important not to overload your skin with heavy textures, preferring gels and fluids that hydrate the skin while controlling sebum production. You can enhance the effect with an all-natural mattifying mineral powder applied over your primary skincare product.


In the cold season, sebum production decreases. Dry skin becomes even drier, normal skin becomes dry, and oily skin approaches a normal state. So, the good news is that winter care for oily skin focuses less on eliminating shine and more on strengthening blood vessels, nourishing, and moisturizing.

Rules for Caring for Mature Oily Skin

The number of sebaceous glands is determined by our DNA, but their function changes with age. For example, in babies, they are almost non-functional. During puberty, when hormonal changes occur, the sebaceous glands become hyperactive, leading to oily shine, enlarged pores, blackheads, and inflammation.

The next significant change occurs in women around the age of 40, when hormonal levels begin to change again.

How to Care for Oily Skin at 40, 45, and 50 Years Old

Choose pro-aging products that work on supporting your skin overall. Ingredients that are free from synthetics, derived from whole plants and science-based formulations designed to balance skin and bring it back to its healthy state at any age.

Be careful with aggressive surfactants and alcohols when selecting products. These ingredients are not beneficial for young oily skin and are especially harmful to mature skin. They dehydrate the skin, making it even oilier and greasier, and enlarged pores appear even wider.

Remember, basic care is not just about cleansing and moisturizing oily skin but also toning and nourishing. As you age, these two steps become even more important.

5 Tips from Scentual Aroma for Those with Problematic Skin

Finally, here are a few simple but not entirely obvious tips that can help improve the condition of oily and problematic skin.

  1. When washing your face, control the water temperature — it should not be icy or hot. Both extremes can stimulate sebum production.
  2. Minimize the consumption of refined sugars and other fast carbohydrates, as they worsen skin oiliness and inflammation, especially if you have acne.
  3. Add foods with high fiber content to your diet, such as whole-grains, legumes like lentils, and avocados. Also include lemons, tangerines, and other citrus fruits: they help even out skin texture and improve its tone.
  4. Whenever possible, try to manage stress levels. Stress can make your skin even more problematic and can negate the benefits of even the best skincare routine for oily skin.
  5. Quit bad habits like smoking and minimize alcohol consumption — these factors worsen the condition of your skin more than anything else.

Myths About Oily Skin

Judging by the number of myths associated with oily skin, few people understand its features well enough to choose appropriate care. Here are some of the most common misconceptions.

"I have oily skin, so I don't need a moisturizer."

Strangely enough, oily skin can be dehydrated and very sensitive. In an attempt to eliminate shine and impurities, people often try to clean it until it squeaks, thereby disrupting the hydrolipidic layer. This is definitely not the way to care for oily and problematic skin! The protective mantle is necessary to withstand the aggressive environment. The skin becomes thinner, vulnerable, and, of course, reacts with inflammation.

- Stripping the skin of its natural oils can make it overcompensate by producing more sebum, leading to an excess of oil. Applying oils to the skin actually signals the sebaceous glands to produce less oil.

- Oils help to restore the skin barrier which can inadvertently help to reduce sebum production.

"A pimple popped up — I need to clean my skin with a scrub."

If there are inflammations or pustules on your face, put scrubs aside until your skin fully recovers; otherwise, you risk spreading the infection across your entire face. First, you need to reduce the inflammation (not to be confused with squeezing it!). If necessary, use our Clear Acne & Dark Spot treatment or gentle cleansing or our customizable clay masks like our Rejuvenate Rose Mask twice per week to detoxify skin.

- Many of the oils we use in our products have natural anti-bacterial properties which inhibit the growth of acne-causing bacteria.

"The sun reduces skin oiliness and dries out pimples."

Indeed, the initial effect of ultraviolet exposure (whether from the sun or a tanning bed) is reduced oiliness and dried-out pimples. However, the situation can worsen later.

The natural defense mechanism against ultraviolet light leads to skin thickening. As compensation, the sebaceous glands begin to produce even more sebum. The outflow of sebum is disrupted.

As a result, the number of inflammatory lesions on the skin significantly increases.

People with oily and problematic skin should protect it from UV rays and include mineral-based SPF in their skincare routine.

- Many of our oils are anti-inflammatory, making them suitable for inflammatory skin conditions like acne.


In conclusion, mastering a basic skincare routine for oily skin can significantly improve your skin's health and appearance. By following the outlined steps, you can control excess oil, prevent breakouts, and maintain a balanced complexion. Remember, at Scentual Aroma, we are here to help you achieve your healthiest skin through science-backed formulas that are free of synthetic chemicals and derived solely from whole plants that feed your skin. It is very important to avoid toxins in your personal care and your diet to help restore your skin back to its healthy state. Also, consistency is key, and your skin will thank you for the care and attention you provide.



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